The route of the eye firstly goes through the title as this is what the magazine aims to get the audience to first see so they know what the magazine is, it then goes though the main images and cover line, it goes through both of these as they relate to each other also this is an article the target audience for this magazine are likely to be interested in, the route of the eye then goes through some cover lines at the bottom of the page.
The principle of thirds splits the page into 9 sections so that the important parts are clearly seen. In each section there is a main part of the magazine, in the terminal area there is a cover line about Cheryl Cole and beauty, this is there as it would attract the audience to buy the magazine. Other sections have the main images (Justin Bieber) face, small images and cover lines.
The hot spots focus on Justin Bieber’s face and the main cover line.
This magazine cover has a lot of text on it, however this would most likely appeal to the target audience. The content on the pages related to the music as this is want the top of the pops magazine is about.
The title on this page is at the top, it is also bold, this is the first thing the audience should see so that they know what the magazine is and it also gives the idea of what the magazine is about.
The cover line above the mast head is about singers, this cover line has been put on the page as it relates with the genre of music the magazine is about. Most of the cover lines on this page relate. The main cover line relates to the main image, having this cover line bold will make it stand out to the audience. If the audience see this first and are interested in what it say, it may make them be interested in the rest of the magazine as well.
There is a cover line/advertisement on the front cover this has been put here as it relates well to the genre of music and it would appeal to the target audience
FontsOn this magazine cover there is several different fonts used.
The mast head has been done in a large and bold font, it has also been done in an usually font that has not been used anywhere else on the page, the title is like this so that it is the first thing that audience will notice on the page, this has to be the first thing to stand out on the page so that people are aware of what the magazine is and what it is about.
The main cover line is also in a large and bold font, this is so it attracts the audience because it is about something the age group of this magazine may find interesting.
Most of the cover lines on the page are bold as this is the way the magazine would attract the right age group.
Use of coloursThe colours which are you the most on the magazine cover is purple, pink, white and yellow.
These colours have been used so that the magazine appeals to the target audience as the target audience is girls. The colours also make the page look interesting and would stand out against other magazines in the shop.
The white and yellow is used to separate up the pink and purple, also these colours contrast therefore they stand out on the page.
Use of images
On this cover there is one main image along with several other images. All the images expect on are singers therefore they relate with the top of the pops magazine.
Each image are close up or mid shots, these shots would have been used because you can clearly see the faces of each person.
The clothes that they are wearing in the picture relate to them being singers, there clothes are fashionable and this is what people expect from singers.
Mode of address
The target audience for the top of the pops magazine is for girls around the age of 9-14 who like pop music.
The magazine appeals to the target audience through the images, colour and text. On this cover there is images of Justin Bieber, JLS and Cheryl Cole, this images may attract the target audience because they are likely to listen to these singers. The colours used are girly colours therefore this would also attract the target audience as girls would most likely prefer these colours to black and blue. The text helps get the audience’s attention as it is short and informal.
Singer of a pop genre
Masthead in top left hand corner
Bold titles/cover lines
Cover lines
Main image in the centre
Bar code
Issue number
Language is suited to the target audience
The route of the eye goes through the writing at the top which says ‘contents’ as this is the first thing the audience need to see so that they know what they are looking at, it then goes through some of the text and the images on page as this is what the magazine wants the audience to pay attention to as it is an important of the page, the route of the eye then goes to the bottom of the page through another image and more text for the same reason as before.
The principle of thirds splits the page into 9, in the terminal area there is an advertisement, this is here for that it attracts the audience’s eye and gains there interest, other sections have a different image them and different sections of the text, this is so the audience can pay attention to all the important bits on the page.
The hot spots focus on the images and page numbers, this way the audience with focus on the page numbers around this area and what to read on in the magazine.
The contents page have a lot of text on it, the word ‘contents’ is in bold as it is telling the audience what the page is about. There is a subheading for a section of each text which is telling the audience what pages articles are on in the page, it has done this was because the target audience for this magazine would prefer it to be like this so they don’t have to take as long looking for a section they want to read. The cover lines are in a bold font so that it stands out to the audience and it is one of the first things they see on the page, this may have been done this was because it is an article/competition the target audience would be interested in.
There isn’t many different fonts on this page however because the target audience are quite young they may prefer it like this because it makes the text easier to read and the page easier to look at. There is simply and small font used for the text which is telling the readers what pages certain article are on, this font has been used because the readers are most likely to look at this anyway as it is the point of having a contents page. The title and the cover lines are in a bold font because they need to catch the reader’s eye to get them to read it.
Use of colours
On this page there have been a lot of colours used, this would be because the audience would prefer there to be many colours rather than just a few, the colours may keep their attention to the page. The colours which have been used are bright and girly as the target audience are girls therefore they would prefer these types of colours rather than dark ones. The background colour is white; this is so everything else on the page will stand out.
Use of images
There are several images on this page, again this is so the audience’s attention is keep as they would prefer many picture rather than just one main one. The images have been taken as mid shots and close up, this is so the facial features and what they are wearing is clearly noticed. The colours they are wearing and the way they look would appeal to the target audience and also fits in well with the magazine genre.
Mode of address
This magazine attracts the correct audience though the way the page is set out, the colours used, the text and also the images. The way the page is set out would make it easy for the readers to look and at. The colours used with get the audience’s attention. The text is informal and simply therefore the readers would be able to read it easy and they would also like the way it is wrote because it is as it is talking to them and the images would get the attention from the audience because these might be the stars they like listening to or watching.
Bright colours
Title at the top of the page
Images of singers/actors
Page numbers
The route of the eye goes through the title at the top of the page, this is so the audience first notice what the article there going to read is about, it then goes though the main image so the audience know who the people are that the article is about, it also goes through the text so that the audience pay attention to it, the route of the eye then goes through the pictures at the bottom of the page.
The principle of thirds splits the page into 9 sections; this is done so the audience notice the important and interesting parts on the page, the sections either have some of the text or the images in them, this way the audience pay attention to these bits on the page.
The hot spots are focused on the text and the main image.
On this page there is more images than there is text, this is being the magazine is aimed at younger children so the images may interest them more than the text work. The title is at the top of the page so that it stands out to the audience. The main text is in an interview style and is in a informal tone as the readers are going to prefer something wrote this way rather than a big chunk of writing just explaining something. The other text around the page is also informal because this may grab the audience’s attention with it being written this was.
There is several different fonts on this page, the fonts that are used relate to the camp rock theme and they are also font the age group of this magazine would like the look off. The title used a big and bold font so it stands out. The questions in the main text are in bold so that it clearly seen what is the questions and what are the answers. The subheadings for each bit of text are bold and the rest of the text is just in small and simply writing.
Use of colour
The colours that are used are the same colours that are represented to the film camp rock, this would have been done because it is likely that a lot of people reading this interview would have watched the film. The colours used also contrast therefore they stand out.
Use of images
There is one main image on this page; this image relates to the interview therefore people will know who is doing the interview. The other images are characters that are in the film ‘camp rock’ therefore they also relate to the page as this is what it is about.
Mode of address
The target audience for this magazine is girls around the age of 9-14 therefore this article would attract them as it is most likely a film they would have seen and music they like so they would want to read the article. The colours used would also get their attention as they are bright and stand out.
Title at the top
Main image
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