The route of the eye on this NME magazine cover goes through the title as this is the first thing that is aimed at the audience as they would want to know what the magazine is. The route of the eye then goes though the picture and the main article, the route of the eye has gone through these together as they relate to each other, the magazine aims for this to stand out do that they can grab the audience’s attention; also this would be the main article inside the magazine. The route of the eye then goes to the bottom of the page just above another cover line, this cover line is about what else is inside the magazine, it is there to for the audience to see and the gain interest in the magazine now knowing what types are article it will include. The route of the eye has been used on this page so that the main pieces stand out.
The principle of thirds splits the page into 9 sections, this is none so that important parts of the magazine stand out clearly to the audience as this may be a way they choice to look at the page. In the primary optical area there is Lily Allen’s face, this is because it is the main image on the page and the main cover line is about her. In the terminal area there is another cover line about an article in the page. This is in the terminal area because the audience will pay attention to it and then be curious of what the whole article was about. Other sections in the principle thirds are the mast head and the main cover line.
The hot spots focus on Lily Allen’s face as this is the main picture on the page and what a lot of the magazine cover has been focused around, also the picture is central of the page which is where the hot spots lie.
The mast head of the magazine is at the top so that it is clearly seen what the name of the magazine is called which would give the audience at idea of what the magazine is about. Also it is conventional for music magazines to have the title near the top of the page.
This magazine cover is not cluttered with text; however there is a lot of text on the page which is related to music, but it is spread out across the page so it is for the audience to see. The content on the page is related to music as this is what NME magazine is about.
The title on the page is at the top and bond so that it is the first thing the audience; they want this text to be the first thing the audience see so that know what the magazine is and gives them an idea of what it will be about. The cover line above the mast head is about ‘new monkeys tunes’, this cover line/advertisement has been but on the page as it relates to the genre of music the magazine is about. The main cover line relates to the main image which is of a singer, having the cover line bold well make the audience see it clearly and realise it is to do with the image. Also this cover line is on the page as it is about what the main article in the magazine will be. Again this text goes well with the magazine as it is to with the same genre of music that the magazine is about.
The text at the bottom of the page is about the other articles that are inside the magazine, these once again relate to the genre of music the magazine is about. This text is good to have on the page as will grab the audience’s attention to the magazine.
There has been several different font used on this magazine cover.
The mast head has been done in a large and bold font so that this is the first thing the audience will notice on the page, this has to been the first thing to stand out so that people pick up the magazine and look at it.
The main cover line is also in large and bold font however this cover line uses a variety of different sizes for each word, this would have been done to make the cover line look more interesting and appeal to the audience more. The other cover lines are also in bond writing, this is to get the audience’s attention, the rest of the cover line is in simple and small writing as the readers are going to carry on reading the cover line after seeing the big heading for it. There has been a variety of fonts used on the magazine cover; this makes the audience pay more attention to it as it isn’t just plain and simply.
Use of colours
The most used colours on this NME front cover is red, black, white and yellow.
As the genre of this music magazine is rock/indie, the colours red and black are good colours to use and they are associated with rock/indie. These two colours would appeal to the target audience as they are not colours used to just attract one gender; also the audience for the magazine are likely to like rock/indie music therefore the colours red and black may appeal to them.
The colours white and yellow help spilt up the colours red and black, this makes the page look more interesting and not so dull because of the colours used. The white and yellow stand out against the other two colours therefore this would make the page stand out.
Use of images
On the cover there is one main image. This image is a singer therefore the picture relates to the magazine as it is about music.
The main image also relates to the cover line, therefore the image helps the audience have a clear understanding about the cover line.
The shot used for this image is a mid-close up; this is because it shows the most detail of the picture. The clothes that she is wearing in the picture, also the make-up represents the stereotypical view of the genre of the music.
Mode of address
The target audience for the NME magazine is people that are interested it rock/indie music. The magazine appeals to the target audience through the images, colours and text.
On this front cover page a picture of Lily Allen has been used, this has been used to attract the audience as she may be a singer that they choose to listen to.
The colours that are associated with rock/indie are dark and dull such as reds and blacks. Reds and blacks have been used a lot on this page of the magazine as it is what would appeal to the target audience. There has been quite a lot of yellow and white used; this may not represent rock/indie however using the colours makes certain parts on the page stand out.
The text may also appeal to the audience as it is short and snappy, it is also informal. People reading this magazine would most likely prefer the text to written this way rather that long and formal.
Singer of a indie genre
The masthead is in the left hand corner at the top
Bold titles and cover lines
Main image in the centre
Issue number
Bar code
Colour theme
Language that will appeal to the target audience
Cover lines
Main cover line relate to the image.
The route of the eye goes across the headline/title as this is the first thing the audience need to see so they know what page they are on, it then goes across the picture which is in the centre of the page, this is because it is related to the magazine so they want this to stand out to the audience so that they can get an idea of what pages in the magazine will be about, the route of the eye then goes down to the cover about the picture therefore the audience can see the two together as they relate.
The principle of thirds have sectioned the page into 9 so that the main parts stand out, in the primary optical area there is the image and in the terminal area there is the ‘features’ which tells you some of articles that will be on the pages in the magazine, the other sections always have areas of the content showing what will be shown on each page, this have been done as this text is the whole point of the content page so they want the audience to firstly look at this.
The hot spots are focused around the pictures which shows were gigs are hold it, this is done because the audience may take interest in it.
This NME contents page has a lot of text on it, the title on this page (‘NME’) is in bold and is in the same font as the title on the front cover as this is the same on every NME magazine as it is a logo of the magazine. In the middle of the page there is a cover line about one of the articles that is inside the magazine, the cover lines is ‘The end of the Astoria’ in big and bold writing and underneath this there is more writing which is part of the cover line, this cover line if here as it may interest the audience of the magazine making them want to read the full article, it is made to stand out so that is one of the first things that they see on page.
There is an advertisement at the bottom of this page about subscribing for the magazine, this has been put on the contents page so the audience definitely see it also it is to do with the NME magazine. The text has been made very persuasive and eye catching, on the advertisement it says ‘save over £45’ which is going to attract the audience’s attention.
On the right hand side of the page there is text about what is inside the magazine however it has been spilt in to sections unlike the text on the left hand side of the page, this text has subheadings above them so that the audience can clearly see what the pages will be about eg. News.
On the left hand of the page there is more text about the pages in the magazine, this text is here as it is the reason there is a contents page.
The font of the title, main cover line and advertisement are bold so that it stands out to the audience because they would most likely not look at this text otherwise. The text which says about the pages inside the magazine is in small and simply text as the audience will look at this because it is the point of having a contents page.
Use of colours
The colours are red and black as this connotes danger which is part of the indie genre, using these colours also makes the text on the page stand out. The advertisement is in yellow because they want the audience to take notice to this.
Use of images
The main picture on this page is a place where gigs are held at, this has been but on here as it relates to the cover line which is about on of the pages in the magazine, also it relates to the type of magazine as it is about music. There is pictures on the advertisement which is magazines, this is used to show the readers what the advertisement is about.
Mode of address
The target audience for the NME magazine is people that are interested it rock/indie music. The magazine appeals to the target audience through the images, colours and text. The colours that are associated with rock/indie are dark and dull such as reds and blacks. Reds and blacks have been used a lot on this page of the magazine as it is what would appeal to the target audience. There has been quite a lot of yellow and white used; this may not represent rock/indie however using the colours makes certain parts on the page stand out. The text may also appeal to the audience as it is short and snappy, it is also informal. People reading this magazine would most likely prefer the text to written this way rather that long and formal. The picture would attract the audience as this is the type of images they would like to see in a music magazine such as this.
The masthead is in the left hand corner at the top
Bold titles and cover lines
Main image in the centre
Issue number
Bar code
Colour theme
Language that will appeal to the target audience
Main cover line relate to the image.
The route of the eye goes across the title and Lily Allen’s face as this the first thing the audience need to see so that they know what the article is about, it then goes through the rest of Lily Allen’s face and the title as this is with the first bit the audience will see, the route of the eye then goes to the bottom of the page where the text of the article is.
The principle of thirds has spilt the page into 9 sections so that the imp
The hotspots focus on the Lily Allen’s face, the title and the text.
The article is about the bad press that Lily Allen is getting off the press, this article has been put in NME because it is gossip, gossip articles are often found in music magazines and this is something the readers are most likely to be interested in.
The font on the title is bold so that it stands out, so that people can quickly see what the article is about. The font is in a serif font so that it is attractive. The text of the article is just in small simply writing as there is a lot of it and the readers aren’t going to want to be reading a whole article in big and bold text.
Use of colours
NME use red and black as it connotes danger and this is associated with the genre of music the magazine is about, also these colours stand out. The background is white so that text stands out against it. The text has been done in black as it is a easy colour to look at for a while.
Use of images
There is only one image used on this page, this image is Lily Allen as the article is about her. This picture has been too as a mid shot to show her facial expression and what she is wearing, she has has black hair and is wearing dark make-up as this is the stereotypical look of indie. The colours that she is wearing is a red and black shirts also fit in with the stereotypical look and connotes danger.
Mode of address
The language used is informal as this will appeal to the correct audience as they would prefer reading text this way that informal.
The colours that have been used would also make the page get the attention from the target audience
An interview
Headline at the top of the page
Bold headline
One main image
Colour theme
Language is suited to the target audience
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